बुधवार, 10 अक्टूबर 2012

आधार कार्ड पर अपनी या दोस्तों की जानकारी कैसे देखे

आधार कार्ड एक 12 अंको का नम्बर है जो प्रत्येक व्यक्ति की अपनी पहचान का प्रतीक है दोस्तों इसी नम्बर से हम अपनी या अपने दोस्तों की जानकारी भी ले सकते है बस हमें आधार कार्ड का 12 अंको का नम्बर मालूम होना चाहिए 

इसके लिए आपको UIDAI की साईट से एक Java client application की मदद लेनी होगी इस की पूरी जानकारी निचे दी गई है 

Running Sample Application

UIDAI has created a fully working sample Java client application to help the community rapidly develop applications that use Aadhaar authentication. This application is written in Java and demonstrates various features of Aadhaar authentication. This 

application is provided on an "AS-IS" basis and should not be considered as a supported, production strength software. This chapter covers details about 

downloading, installing, and running the sample and setting up development environment with the source code.

Sample Java application (both binary and source code zip files) to test Aadhaar authentication can be downloaded from here.


Running Sample from Distribution

When you download the binary distribution using downlink above, you get "auth-client-bin-1.5.zip". Follow steps below to install and run the client. These directions are for Windows OS. If you are using Linux or other OS, you may make appropriate modification to build and run the client.

1. You need Java 1.6 or above installed on your computer and an Internet connection to run this sample.

2. Unzip "auth-client-bin-1.5.zip" into a directory. You will see the following contents.

Sample Client Runtime Directory Listing  

3. Run "runclient.bat" to run the sample application. 

4. In order to use Indian name matching, it is required that the java apps run in UTF-8 character encoding mode. For that, in Java, following VM arguments has to be passed "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8". This is already added to the "runclient.bat" file. 

5. This opens a command promt asking for OS type, enter 1 or 2 (based on your OS) and press ENTER.

 6. This opens the sample authentication client. See screenshot below.
Auth Client Main Screen
7. Click "Edit->Preferences" menu to make sure you see following screen with values. Ensure license key, AUA code, Sub AUA code are as listed under "Testing Data" page

Auth Client Preferences Screen
8. Now you are ready to test!! 

9. Enter "999999990019" in "Aadhaar Number" field and "Shivshankar Choudhury" in the "Name" field. See "Testing Data" page for details on test data for testing various combinations. 

10. Click "Authenticate" button at the bottom right

11. You should see a green tick mark within the "Authentication Status" field. See the following screen

Auth Client Result Screen

12. If you have issues, first ensure you have followed all steps correctly. 

13. If you face network or connection errors, please make sure your Internet connection is working well. If test server (auth.uidai.gov.in) is down or not reachable, try after some time.If nothing works (!), please write to the discussion group.
